All legal teams face the same legal resourcing challenge
No in-house legal team has all the expertise and capacity that it requires all the time.
Related challenges include:
- the capacity of you and your team is permanently stretched
- a static headcount strategy is not meeting business need
- there is limited budget for external support and no time to instruct
- getting the right fit for your team is tough
- traditional resource providers are too expensive and too slow
- much of your need involves quick "turn around"
- staff morale is suffering
Fortunately headcount restrictions no longer have to prevent your access to legal talent...
GLS Legal Manpower™ allows your team to deploy an agile resourcing strategy that gives you affordable access to great lawyers in as little as 3 minutes.
Problem Solved.
Find A Lawyer In Around 3 Minutes
See how we use technology to make affordable legal support instantly accessible.
Supporting leading companies worldwide.
Awards & Accolades

Most Innovative Law Firm - Financial Times

The Middle East Legal Awards 2021

Most Innovative Legal Services Provider 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
If you need additional legal manpower - you typically have very limited choices that are unacceptably expensive and slow.
You could go to your expensive relationship law firm and ask for a secondee. You will likely get a "B" grade lawyer - it would need to be for a considerable duration, it will be very expensive ... and when you try to tap into the "learnings" they acquired whilst with you - out come the law firm hourly rates.
You could also go to one of the recognized legal temp agencies. They will likely need a minimum of a 3 week assignment and they will charge you salary + 30%. They are also slow to mobilise.
Both of those options are slow to mobilise, expensive, only really own work for longer duration and dont allow you to benefit from the knowledge you transfer to that lawyer.
You can use GLS Legal Manpower - great lawyers, a smaller cost plus model, available for assignments as little as 4 hours - and you can access them in as little as 3 minutes.
And all done online.
When accessing legal talent you need to know that "good lawyers cost what they cost" regardless of whether you are a law firm or GLS. The most competitive a law firm can be when they offer you a secondee is to charge you the fully loaded cost of the secondee - that is salary plus centrally allocated fixed costs. GLS does not have these same costs - so we will always be far cheaper.
As for traditional LOD type providers - well their model is salary + 30%. GLS does not have to charge you the 30% to make our offer work as Manpower is one of 800+ solutions we offer. So, you can get good lawyers from a range of sources but few will be as consistently competitive as those provided by GLS.
1) they cost less DURING and AFTER the assignment - and there are no expensive law firm hourly rates post assignment
2) you can leverage the experience they acquired with you going forward as they remain cost effective to access
3) we offer a range of lawyers - most of whom have extensive in-house experience - not inflexible private practice lawyers
4) our lawyers are backed up by the in-house tools/resources of the GLS Group making them far more productive whilst working for you
5) our lawyers are available on short notice and for micro assignments - we do not need month/s long assignments
6) our lawyers do not come with the expectations that you need to use our services going forward - whereas this is precisely what a law firm expects of you